There are plenty of benefits from implementing self-checkout tills in your store; shorter queues, removal of cash handling mistakes and freeing up employee time for shelf stocking, checking inventory and focusing on store cleanliness.
However, there’s no denying that shoplifting is a big problem when it comes to self-service tills. Thieves fail to scan all their items, switch price tags and select cheaper substitutes when weighing goods. Having a self-kiosk attendant and spot-checking baskets can only reduce theft so far.
Why not add another level of security to your self-service tills with CASE Security’s self-service till monitors? Built-in security cameras reduce shoplifting.
Self-service monitor features
Benefits of using self-service monitors:
- They help prevent shoplifting.
- They help to spot suspicious behaviour.
- They are proven to reduce shrinkage losses.
- The anonymity of self-checkouts entices even usually honest people to shoplift. A camera removes anonymity so potential thieves think twice about stealing.
- Customers are less likely to substitute more expensive products for lower-priced ones or switch barcodes if they’re being watched by CCTV cameras.
- Footage can be viewed later to identify and track shoplifters, as well as to record crimes.